1. What is PayAnyone?
PayAnyone is a feature within Bank of Heritage Isle Internet and Mobile Banking, designed for compatible iPhone or Android phones, which offers a fast, simple and convenient mobile banking experience to Bank of Heritage Isle Members registered for Internet and Mobile Banking.

With PayAnyone, you can transfer money to other people’s bank account by using their BSB and account number, mobile phone number or email address. You can also check your account balance and transaction history and transfer money between your Bank of Heritage Isle accounts.

These PayAnyone User Terms and Conditions govern your use of PayAnyone, together with the Terms and Conditions of your accounts used in connection with PayAnyone and the Internet and Mobile Banking Terms and Conditions.

Recipients of PayAnyone payments should refer to the PayAnyone Recipient Terms and Conditions.

2. Definitions
“compatible bank account” or “your account” means a compatible Bank of Heritage Isle account.
“compatible iPhone or Android phones” means iPhones with at least iOS 4.2 or Android devices with at least Android OS 2.3.
“Collection Code” means the authentication code which must be entered by a recipient to collect a PayAnyone payment.
“recipient” means the person you send a payment to using PayAnyone.
‘Bank of Heritage Isle’ ‘us’, ‘our’ and ‘we’ means Bank of Heritage Isle, as a division of Police Bank Ltd ABN 95 087 650 799 and its successors and assigns.
“you” or “your” means the person using PayAnyone.

3. Making payments using a BSB and account number
Payments will be processed by BSB and account number only, without using an account name. Some institutions with unique account numbers may disregard the BSB number. Please take care to enter the correct BSB and account number as you may not be able to recover a payment if it is credited to a mistaken account.

4. Making payments using a mobile phone number
a) You give us the recipient’s mobile phone number and we send the recipient an SMS to notify them the payment is ready to be collected.
b) Where the recipient holds an active Bank of Heritage Isle account and has verified their mobile number in PayAnyone, payments are processed directly to the recipient’s nominated account immediately.

5. Making payments using an email address
a) You give us the recipient’s email address and we send the recipient an email to notify them the payment is ready to be collected.
b) Where the recipient holds an active Bank of Heritage Isle account and has verified their mobile number in PayAnyone, payments are processed directly to the recipient’s nominated account immediately.

6. How recipients collect payments that are not processed directly to their account
a) After making a payment through PayAnyone, you must notify the recipient of the Collection Code which they need to collect the payment.
b) The recipient can then go onto our Collect Payments website by clicking on the URL in the SMS or email.
c) You agree to advise the recipient that you have provided us with their mobile phone number or email address for the purpose of notifying them of the payment.
d) The recipient must collect the payment within 14 days after you input the payment. Otherwise, we return the payment to your account.
e) We may cancel or suspend a recipient’s right to collect a payment at any time without notice to you or the recipient (e.g. if a dispute arises or we suspect fraud).

7. How we process payments
a) Payments are debited to your account when you request the payment. When the recipient’s account will be credited depends on the policy and systems of their bank.
b) We do not pay interest on amounts credited back to your account if a recipient does not collect a payment or the funds are credited back to your account for any other reason.

8. What if the recipient doesn’t collect the payment?
a) The recipient must collect the payment within 14 days after the day you input the payment. Otherwise, the payment is returned to you.
b) Uncollected payments can be seen on the Uncollected Payments tab when logged into PayAnyone.

9. Payment Limits
a) For payments using an email or mobile phone address to recipients who are not registered users of PayAnyone, the maximum amount you can transfer per day is $2000.
b) For payments using BSB and account number to Bank of Heritage Isle users, your existing Internet and Mobile Banking daily limits apply.

10. PayAnyone security measures
a) Lock your iPhone or Android phone and take any reasonable steps to stop unauthorised use of PayAnyone.
b) Notify us immediately if your iPhone or Android phone is lost or stolen or you suspect your Internet and Mobile Banking PIN has become known to someone else.
c) Only install approved applications on your iPhone or Android phone and never override the software lockdown (i.e. jailbreak your iPhone or root your Android phone).
d) Do not allow another person to use your phone to make purchases or payments.
e) Do not leave your iPhone or Android phone unattended and logged into Internet and Mobile Banking.
f) To protect the Collection Code, do not:

i. allow any person other than the recipient to see, or overhear you providing the Collection Code.
ii. record the Collection Code anywhere that is liable to loss, theft or abuse.
iii. post the Collection Code on social media, such as a friend’s Facebook wall.

11. What if I make a mistake entering in the recipient’s details?
a) Please take care to enter the correct recipient or payee details or your payment may be unsuccessful and/or you may not be able to recover a payment made to an incorrect recipient. We do not check that the details you provide are correct.
b) You cannot delete or cancel a PayAnyone payment once it has been collected.
c) You can delete a PayAnyone payment prior to it being collected, by going through the Uncollected Payments icon, selecting the payment and selecting “Delete Payment”.
d) Refer to the Internet and Mobile and BPAY Terms and Conditions for information about how we resolve mistaken internet payments.

12. Fees for using PayAnyone
a) Any fees and charges that apply to your Bank of Heritage Isle accounts accessible via PayAnyone will continue to apply to transactions made using PayAnyone. Refer to our Schedule of Fees and Charges for details.
b) You may incur charges from your mobile service provider for downloading and using PayAnyone.

13. Suspension or termination
We may suspend or terminate your use of PayAnyone without notice at any time, e.g. if we suspect unauthorised transactions have occurred or that PayAnyone is being misused.

14. Disclosures
You agree that we may disclose your details to the recipient of the funds to aid them in identifying the transaction.

15. Changes to these Terms and Conditions
a) We reserve the right to vary these Terms and Conditions.
b) We will notify you of any material changes by electronic notice to you via the login page of Internet and Mobile Banking.
b) We will give you at least 30 days notice if any variation will:

• impose or increase charges relating to your use of PayAnyone;
• increase your liability for losses relating to transactions through PayAnyone;
• adjust the transaction limits applying to your use of PayAnyone; or
• indicate that your Services or delivery systems for PayAnyone is to be discontinued or withdrawn.

c) We will tell you of all other variations in advance by electronic notice to you via the login page of Internet and Mobile Banking.
d) Our obligation to give you advance notice does not apply if variations are required in an emergency to restore or maintain the security of PayAnyone.
e) Our obligation to give you advance notice does not apply if variations are required for security reasons.
f) We reserve the right to vary the types of services offered on these Online Services.

PayAnyone Recipient Terms and Conditions

These PayAnyone Recipient Terms and Conditions govern your use of the Bank of Heritage Isle Collect Payment website to collect a PayAnyone Payment made to you by our Member (the Payer).

1. Definitions
‘Collection Code’ means the collection code provided to you by the Payer.
‘PayAnyone Payment’ means a payment the Payer requests Bank of Heritage Isle to make available for you to collect.
‘Payer’ means the person who requests that a PayAnyone Payment be made available for you to collect.
‘Bank of Heritage Isle’ and ‘we’ means Bank of Heritage Isle, as a division of Police Bank Ltd ABN 95 087 650 799 and its successors and assigns.
‘SMS’ means a short message service.
‘you’ means the Recipient, the person who receives an SMS or email from us notifying that a PayAnyone Payment is available for collection via the Collect Payment website.

2. How do I know when I receive a payment?
You will be notified that a PayAnyone payment is available for you to collect through an SMS or email sent to you by us. We will endeavour to send this SMS or email as soon as possible after the Payer has setup the PayAnyone Payment. However, we are not liable for any delay or failure in sending this SMS or email.

3. How do I collect my payment?
a) For you to collect a PayAnyone Payment, the Payer must advise you of the exact amount of the PayAnyone Payment you are collecting and the Collection Code.
b) You must enter:

i. your mobile phone number or email address through which you received the collection advice;
ii. the exact amount of the PayAnyone Payment you are collecting;
iii. the Collection Code; and
iv. the details of your account to which you wish the PayAnyone Payment to be paid.

If you do not enter a) to c) correctly your PayAnyone Payment collection will not proceed.
The details of your account entered by you on the Collect Payment website must be accurate. In processing payments, we do not check that the BSB or account number entered matches the account name or BSB details provided. To the extent permitted by law, neither Bank of Heritage Isle nor the Payer are liable for any loss arising from any error in instructions given by you.

4. How long do I have to collect my payment?
a) You must successfully collect the PayAnyone Payment within 14 days of the Payer completing the transaction.
b) If you do not successfully collect the PayAnyone Payment within this time the funds will be returned to the Payer and you will not be able to collect the PayAnyone Payment.

5. Can your PayAnyone Payment be cancelled or deleted before collection?
Prior to the processing of your collection of the PayAnyone Payment by us, the Payer or we may cancel or delete the authority for you to collect payment.

6. When will I receive the payment?
If your collection of the PayAnyone Payment is successful, the timing of when the PayAnyone Payment is credited to your account will depend on the policy and systems of your financial institution.

7. Security requirements
a) You must not:

i. disclose the amount of the PayAnyone Payment or the Collection Code to any other person; or
ii. record the amount of the PayAnyone Payment or the Collection Code anywhere that is liable to loss, theft or abuse.

b) You must contact the Payer if the PayAnyone Payment is not available for you to collect or you wish to dispute the PayAnyone Payment.
c) You must contact the Payer if the amount of the PayAnyone Payment and the Collection Code become known to another person.

8. Liability
Bank of Heritage Isle is not liable:
a) for any failure or delay by the Payer to provide you with the correct information to request the payment of the PayAnyone Payment (including the exact amount of the PayAnyone Payment or the Collection Code);
b) if any other person becomes aware of the amount of the PayAnyone Payment or the Collection Code through the failure of you or the Payer to adequately protect this information;
c) if the amount of the PayAnyone Payment, the Collection Code or account details entered by you are incorrect;
d) if we or the Payer cancels the PayAnyone Payment prior to your request for payment of it;
e) if we delay, block, refuse or otherwise fail to process the payment for any reason.

9. Bank of Heritage Isle’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal information
a) Bank of Heritage Isle has collected certain personal information (your mobile phone number or email address and account details) to enable it to process your collection of the PayAnyone Payment. Without this information we may not be able to process your collection of the PayAnyone Payment.
b) You consent to us disclosing this personal information to:

i. Outsourced service providers (for example fraud monitoring services);
ii. Transaction and investigation security firms;
iii. Regulatory bodies, government agencies, law enforcement bodies and courts; and
iv. Participants in the payment system and other financial institutions for the purpose of resolving disputes and errors.

c) You may request access to your information or our Privacy Statement by calling 134 374.