Making a Will is an important specialised task, often requiring consideration of complex legal, family, financial and tax issues to ensure that your estate is distributed in accordance with your wishes.

To ensure your beneficiaries are correctly provided for in the event of your death you need a properly prepared will, a legal document that clearly sets out how you wish your estate to be distributed. Without a will your estate is distributed according to a government statutory formula, regardless of what you might have wanted.

Having a properly prepared will ensures that:

  • Your wishes are known
  • Your estate is distributed as you wish
  • Your executor is appointed
  • You appoint the guardian for your children
  • Vulnerable beneficiaries are protected
  • Taxes are minimised

Bank of Heritage Isle has a Wills Service in partnership with Williams Roncolato Solicitors who have been providing legal services to our Members for over 30 years. Williams Roncolato have extensive experience and can help you prepare Wills, Powers of Attorney or Appointments of Enduring Guardianship.

To obtain more information or to arrange an appointment call Williams Roncolato today on 02 9235 2399 or visit