Escape the Crowds and Fireworks on NYE

Alternative ways to ring in the new year

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Fireworks and crowds. Why there are so many people willing to sacrifice their day to get a decent spot to watch 15 minutes of colourful man-made sky explosions in order to say hello to the new year is a concept as confusing as the walk button on a traffic light. If you’d like to bid adieu to the old year with something that’s not all fireworks & crowds, here are our alternatives.

Host a Dinner party

Rally your friends & family, eat some great food and watch the fireworks from the comfort of your own home on TV. You won’t struggle to find each other amongst the crowds, the toilets will be clean and queue-less and you’ll already be at home. Plus, if you make it a potluck, you won’t have the massive stack of dishes to tackle come New Year’s Day.

Have a Movie marathon

No one says that you have to begin on your New Year’s resolutions on New Year’s Eve. Take the evening off, get a group of good friends together, grab some popcorn and settle in for a night of much-loved movies. After a year of hard work, relaxing and having fun with friends is the perfect way to wrap it up. Also, if you start watching the Great Gatsby at exactly 11:29:57 pm  you’ll be joined by Leo toasting you into the New Year!

Try an alternative destination

Why not use the time off to expand your horizons and go on a cultural extravaganza? Tunisia’s Festival of the Sahara lasts for four days at the end of December, and you’ll experience a whirlwind of Tunisian customs and cultures. It could be the New Year’s eve to end all New Year’s eve’s!

Go camping

Escape the crowds, enjoy the serenity and admire the natural sky explosions above. By getting back to nature with a couple of mates, you’ll relax into the new year with just a few insect bites.

Avoid it altogether

Just sleep through it. Will you really be missing much?

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