101 alternative uses for your Christmas hat

Recycling your festive crown

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Christmas hats usually only last as long as your Christmas lunch. Surely the production of that much paper to appease the Christmas masses can’t be good for the environment. So we’ve developed 101 alternative uses to turn your Christmas hat into a multi-use beast.

  1. Toy boat
  2. Toilet paper
  3. Confetti
  4. Shoebox diorama
  5. Coffee filter
  6. Soup strainer
  7. Papier-mâché
  8. Piping bag
  9. Belt for a small child
  10. Use 2 hats as cuffs to spice up your collared shirt
  11. Fancy pocket square
  12. Tissues
  13. Germinate seeds
  14. Scrapbooking
  15. Stick it in your diary as a 2018 Christmas reminder
  16. Start a Christmas hat fight
  17. Tie multiple hats together and have a tug-o-war
  18. Kids Easter hat parade
  19. Cut holes in it and wear it at a masquerade ball
  20. Play kings and queens
  21. Make a butterfly
  22. Soak it in white paint to create coloured paint
  23. Tea bags
  24. Potpourri bags
  25. Glasses cloth
  26. Filter for your dryer
  27. Pea-shooter ammunition
  28. Wallpaper
  29. Shove it in next years hatless bon-bons
  30. Notebook
  31. 3D glasses
  32. Kaleidoscope
  33. Oven mitts
  34. Sexy underwear
  35. Tie-dye shirt
  36. Ankle socks
  37. Short shorts
  38. Christmas cardigan
  39. Paper crane
  40. Fold into chatterbox/paper fortune teller
  41. Quilling
  42. Decoupage
  43. Papercutting
  44. Origami
  45. Tags for presents
  46. Paper beads
  47. Paper weaving
  48. Colourful Wall art
  49. Next year’s Christmas ornaments
  50. Turn into abstract art and sell for a fortune
  51. Gift bag filler
  52. Keep your shoes in shape
  53. Streamers
  54. Wrapping up Nan’s cutlery
  55. Wrapping up Nan’s crockery
  56. Scarf
  57. Balance your rickety table
  58. Paper dress
  59. Paper house
  60. Paper airplane
  61. Replacement Monopoly money
  62. Clean your windows
  63. Tablecloth
  64. Flip book/flick book
  65. Paper flower
  66. Napkins
  67. Office paper
  68. Christmas cards
  69. Sound proofing
  70. Puppets
  71. Silhouette show
  72. Placard for your next protest
  73. Makeshift handcuffs
  74. Insoles for shoes
  75. Home insulation
  76. Fish and chip wrapping paper
  77. Clean your BBQ
  78. Patch holes in your old clothes
  79. Ear plugs
  80. Coloured rings
  81. Gloves
  82. Dip in hot water and paint your walls
  83. Bedding for your guinea pig
  84. Blanket for your rabbit
  85. Sleeping bag for your pet snake
  86. Vomit bag
  87. Flag
  88. Gift wrapping paper
  89. Kindling
  90. Bandages
  91. Twirl into string
  92. Fishing net
  93. Curtains
  94. Stained glass windows
  95. Coloured window tinting
  96. Car sunshade
  97. Build a statue
  98. Beach towel
  99. Turn into a rug
  100. Mattress protector
  101. Festive collar for your dog

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